Access your KVM VPS console over VNC

In case You don't have access to your VPS over conventional methods as SSH, Web-based control panel, or server-specific client, You can connect directly to a virtual console using VNC Viewer.

Using the built-in VNC viewer in Client area and VPS Management panel (VPS only)

Go to the client area in or the VPS management center and select the VPS you want to access.

In Client Area:
Selecting VPS in Client Area

In VPS Management:
Selecting the VPS in VPS Management Area

Then click on the mini VNC icon or on the monitor.

In Client Area:
Clicking the colorful VNC icon in Client Area

In VPS Management:
Clicking on the monitor icon in VPS management


After that, click on Launch HTML 5 VNC Client
Launching the HTML5 VNC viewer

You can now access the virtual console of your VPS
Example virtual console with Ubuntu 18

Using an installed VNC viewer on your computer (VPS and CHR)

First, download and install a VNC viewer on your computer.

Applications for Windows:

Applications for Linux:

Applications for Mac OS X:


Then, to access the console, enter the host, port and password sent with the VPS creation confirmation e-mail.

Please note that the VNC credentials are different than your VPS IP and password.

Example of gtkvncviewer client application settings:

gtkvncviewer - Connect to a remote desktop(VNC)

Example of MikroTik CHR console:

gtkvncviewer - MikroTik CHR console login

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